Thursday 27 April 2017


St. Augustine University of Tanzania Student Environmental Management Associations (SAUT-SEMA) participated the study tour, by visiting the home of the late Father of the Nation Home and Nyerere Museum in Mwintongo, Butiama today, 25/3/2017

SAUT SEMA Members got an opportunity to understand the general life of Mwl Nyerere as the leader and as the head of the family. He was born back in 1922, to the family of the Late Chief Nyerere Burito. Died on 14th October 1999, in St. Petersburg Hospital London due to Blood cancer.
Different presentation about his life in general provided by his Family members to SAUT SEMA Member visited as well as tour guides in the Nyerere Museum Butiama.
About 19 members were involved in this tour.

 “Thanks to all who participated”
Life prosperity depends on the environment, let us support the internal tourism

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Siku ya mazingira duniani

SAUT-SEMA Life prosperity depends on Environment Siku ya mazingira duniani